Specialty Products for Spine Surgery
The Armamentarium spine offering is packed full of quality instruments and equipment. Whether you are looking for ANY style or size of kerrison rongeur, spinal retractors for ANY procedure or a spine table that is designed through partnerships with spine surgeons, experienced manufacturers, anesthesia and hospital staff. Our specialty is helping facilities source products to fill the needs of their physicians and fit their challenging budgets.

Specialty Kerrisons

Zeiss Medical Technology
Introducing the Newest Line Up of Powerful Surgical Microscopes
The KINEVO® 900 S
Surgeon Controlled Robotics assist you in visualizing structures precisely and effortlessly!
Tedan Retractors and Instruments
Tedan Phantom retractor systems for almost every spinal approach
Anterior Cervical
Posterior Lumbar & Microdiscectomy
Lateral Lumbar
Transforaminal Lumbar
Anterior Lumbar
NEW Career Extending Technology for Surgeons
Experience unmatched relief and support. Discover the perfect fusion of function and ergonomics with NekSpine™